My Life

Monday, November 13, 2006

Salt Water Taffy

I have decided that salt water taffy is my friend.

Not only is it my friend, but it's one of my best friends. It's right up there with chocolate and peanut butter. Mmmmmmmmmmm.........a fat girls dream (with cheese cake of course!).

I had not had REAL salt water taffy in years. In fact, I had not had real taffy since 1993. 1993 would be the last time I got to go to the beach on the east coast. When my parents came here in September, they bought me a box of salt water taffy from Fisher's Pop Corn on the board walk in Ocean City, Maryland. For anybody that has ever been to Ocean City, you know there is 3 (actually 5) very important things you must do.

Fisher's Pop Corn for taffy and pop corn, of course! Thrasher's french fries, funnel cake, Davincie's italian food (on the board walk, between 5th and 7th Street), and Jolly Roger's amusement park. Actually, make it 6, 'cause you have to throw in Hooper's for crab and other seafood.

As I sit here and let the sweet taste of the taffy that I shoved into my mouth slide across my tongue, I can't help but wonder.............

Do they make taffy flavored cheese cake?


Blogger Amber said...

You are such a freak.

But in the nicest way possible of course, haha.

I've heard you talk about "salt water taffy" before... and I still think it sounds GROSS; cheesecake flavored or not :P.

I'll call ya tonight from Hell... I mean work.

11:58 AM  

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