My Life

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Help Me Powerball Lottery!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can not even begin to describe how desperatly I wish/dream that I would hit the powerball lottery.

I want to be rich. I want to be rich.

I want to be filthy, dripping in money rich!!!!!

I thought that being away from the high stress of my job for almost 5 weeks would make a difference in my attitude. Boy was I wrong. Same shit, different day.........even 5 weeks later.

I also completly understand why the doctor wanted me off of work for 6 weeks and then part-time for a week or so. I am so exhausted and I'm hurting so bad in my stomach and back that I can hardly stand it. 10 hour stressful shifts do not mix with surgery. Especially working graveyards.

Why can't I be rich?


Blogger Amber said...

If I ever get rich, you'll never have to work a day in your life again. We could run away to Tahiti and worry about nothing but which cabana boy we want and how many shots we want in our fruity drinks and where to lay on the white sand of the beach for the day.

Sorry you're hurting; if I could take the pain I would. I've got some Naproxen (stronger than Ibuprofen but non-narcotic) if you want it, just say the word.

Love ya, friend.

7:32 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You're really one of the Hilton sisters, and are just pretending, aren't you.

My sympathy on the pains, dear. Sometimes the surgery hurts worse than what was removed.

10:52 PM  

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